

北7条の家 本日の様子


This is Kita 7-jo House, where yesterday's heavy snow has cleared up as if it were a lie. Including the tower, it is as tall as a four-story wooden building.


The exterior material is larch wood. These materials are from Tokachi, the hometown of Konno Construction Co., Ltd., which is in charge of the site. Most buildings these days have exteriors made of materials other than wood. I myself have used various materials such as sheet metal, plastering, siding, etc., but before I knew it, wooden exterior walls became the most popular choice.


It's not that I don't like other materials; it's mainly thanks to the deepening awareness of homeowners and local efforts that have made it easier to use wood, but materials that are appropriate for the environmental era have gained civil rights. As an author, I am very happy about this.


Unfortunately... there is still a strong negative image that wood burns and rots, but that is not necessarily the case. Nowadays, additional insulation improves fire resistance, and as a result, the wood exterior has even been certified by the minister as a fire-retardant structure. The research is conducted by Hokusouken (Northern Building Research Institute) in Asahikawa.


For that reason, although it looks like a wooden exterior at first glance, it is actually fireproof. The exterior design allows for safe use even in built-in urban areas.

Due to yesterday's heavy snowfall, more than 1 meter of snow has piled up on the roof.


From the snowy eaves, you can see that the prevailing winter wind blows gently from the back of the screen to the front. By installing a passive ventilation exhaust port on this side (downwind side), you can easily obtain exhaust power from natural energy.


This is a sample of the floor louver. This time, the flooring material is oak wood, so I'm going to use the frame material as a common material to fit it neatly.

In this way, the floor and frame will naturally blend together.

Inside the room, more and more boards are being put up.

Today's cover is high quality!