

5/26 発寒の家Ⅲ


Deeply built buildings are often carved by hand. Added to this is the change over time, and without exception, the current standards are out of order. Therefore, the master carpenter measured the deviations in the girder direction and the gable direction and redid the building. If we use the corner of the building as a reference, the slope will be concentrated on the opposite side, so we used a column in the center of the width of the building as a standing (vertical) reference to make sure that the left and right deviations are even.


On a different note...the electricity at the site suddenly stopped working yesterday...We were using the original wiring as temporary electricity while curing it, but in this day and age, we can't start without electricity coming to the site. No matter how much I thought about it, I still couldn't figure out why... At that time, the master carpenter said, ``It's a rat.'' When I looked for it, I found a chewed-up VVF wire, and immediately removed the damaged part of the coating and insulated it. I was able to recover safely. In addition to the master carpenter, there is one young carpenter, and every day is a learning experience for everyone, including me...the master carpenter is amazing. I don't think I know anything about anything other than new construction. Now that I think about it...I should have checked the electrical lines the moment I found the rat droppings. Someone might trip the breaker without you knowing. Leader, thank you again for today.

The pillar approximately in the center of the width of the building is the standard. At this position, the deviations of each part are most evened out.

The whole picture of the reopening after 42 years is like this

Electric wires whose insulation has been chewed by rats...dangerous

It's like this today too... The field is a treasure box of learning. I can't help but find it interesting and interesting. I guess this is common sense for master carpenters, but I will study more and more!